Lowongan Kerja PT Emblem Asia Cikarang Terbaru

Saat ini Kami akan memberikan Informasi Lowongan kerja PT Emblem Asia untuk Penempatan di Cikarang Barat, Jawa Barat simak informasi detail nya dibawah ini.

Loker PT Emblem Asia Terbaru

Saat ini PT Emblem Asia sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja penempatan Cikarang Barat, Jawa Baratuntuk menempati Posisi sebagai.

Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :


Kualifikasi :

About us

In June 1995 PT Emblem Asia was established as a PMA Japan. and the January 1997 PT Emblem Asia have started up Biaxially Nylon Film (BON) production.

Qualifications &amp experience

  • Bachelor Degree, Majoring in Law Psychulogy or Management
  • Have experience as HRGA Staff or related position at least 2 Years
  • Have an understanding of Labor laws and Regulation, OSS, Siinas, RUPS, Waste, B3, Permits,Pertek, Review agreement, Legal Drafter and Legal Advise as well as cordinate with the external parties
  • Have knowledge of ISO 90001, 140001, 45001 and SMK3 Management
  • Able to speak english fluently and excellent spoken and written
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office, Canva and Visio
  • Preferably from having certificate of HR by BNSP

Tasks &amp responsibilities

  • Recruitment Activity end to end
  • Make and review agreement
  • Make employee contract, warning letter, verklaring etc
  • Correspondence with the internal and external parties
  • Monitoring the validity of the company’s legal document and permits
  • Enhace HR Pulicies &amp produces wich are in compliance with local labour laws and Regulations
  • Handle HR Issue, Rules, Corporate Permits, Legal and Industrial Relations


  • Personal Insurance
  • Annual Bonus

Apabila Kamu Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT Emblem Asia Silahkan dapat mengirimkan Lamaran kerja Via Online melalui Link yang tertera dibawah ini.

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LAMAR SEKARANG Proses rekrutmen PT Emblem Asia GRATIS tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.