Lowongan Kerja PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Cikarang Terbaru

Saat ini Kami akan memberikan Informasi Lowongan kerja PT SGMW Motor Indonesia untuk Penempatan di Cikarang Pusat, Jawa Barat simak informasi detail nya dibawah ini.

Loker PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Terbaru

Saat ini PT SGMW Motor Indonesia sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja penempatan Cikarang Pusat, Jawa Baratuntuk menempati Posisi sebagai.

Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :

  • Network Support & Service Management Engineer

Kualifikasi :

Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree Major in Computer Science / Information System / Electrical Engineering
  • Min. 1 Years working experience in the automotive industry is preferred with 1 or more years experience in servicing , diagnosing and repairing IT office equipment

Special Knowledge :

  • Have practical experience in network technulogy, communication system technulogy, system computing environment and related computing service areas or public users and business users
  • Experience diagnosing and repairing IT computing devices. Able to perform troubleshooting and responding to customer concerns
  • Good level of computer skill including Ms Word, PowerPoint, Excel and email system ( Outlook, Fox-mail, etc )
  • Good Analytical , interpersonal and communication skill with the ability to communicate complex technical issues in an easy understand manner
  • Demonstrated ability to manage network’s facilities and peoples

Responsibilities :

  • Network Operation Management , Perform the installation, maintenance and provision of network hardware &amp Software.
  • Network monitoring &amp Maintenance , perform monitoring network devices such as access switches, core switches , access point and firewall,
  • Ensure Optimum performance of the network system
  • IT Field support &amp Service , to provide the IT Field Support &amp Service for all SGMW Sites

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Cara Melamar

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LAMAR SEKARANG Proses rekrutmen PT SGMW Motor Indonesia GRATIS tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.